Transform Fund Returns
Company Data predicting Future Results…

Your Growth Chain Reaction™
The rapid impact on fund returns powered by Growth Predictor Intelligence™.
Growth Predictor Intelligence™ provides visibility into the future performance of your investments. It is a robust response to the need to reduce investment risk and boost fund returns in challenging markets.
Built on entrepreneurial disciplines, Growth Predictor Intelligence™ rapidly isolates companies’ core growth generating ability and starts a sustained Growth Chain Reaction™ by measuring and transforming the dynamic interplay connecting their Growth Mindset; Growth Capability; Customer Expectations; and Future Revenue.
It identifies companies with predicted revenue growth, certified by their Growth Predictor Score™.
A company’s Growth Predictor Score™ measures the strength of its Growth Chain Reaction™ and the impact of this on future revenue and growth rate over the next 18-36 months. Updated qualifying score thresholds demonstrate a company’s resilience, and ability to thrive and sustain growth in changing and uncertain markets.
This unique score defines a new type of growth company powered by a Growth Chain Reaction™.
It transforms fund returns through AI powered Growth Predictor Intelligence™ that simultaneously accelerates growth and shrinks investment periods in investee companies through their Growth Chain Reaction™. A fund’s Growth Predictor Index™, calculated from the weighted company Growth Predictor Scores™ within it, predicts fund performance improvement. A downloadable blueprint to achieve this is available from the top of the home page.
Growth Generator
Growth Mindset
A measurement of the prevailing commercial attitudes underpinning the motivation and ability of people and teams in businesses to embrace change, create ideas and opportunities, impact customers, and deliver ongoing growth in challenging markets.

New Revenue Generation
Growth Capability
Measured ability of companies to effectively deploy their collective Growth Mindset to Adapt; Innovate; and Execute growth strategies to generate new revenue.
New Revenue Sustainability
Customer Expectations
Measured customer anticipation of new value based on their experience of a company’s Growth Mindset and Growth Capability. It predicts sustainability of new revenue.
High Impact
New Opportunities
Future Demand

Investment Confidence
Future Revenue
The predicted future revenue and growth rate in the next 18-36 months calculated from a company's Growth Predictor Score which measures the dynamic interplay connecting Growth Mindset; Growth Capability; and Customer Expectations.
Ready to Scale
Growth Investment

Our customer success stories
Companies we worked with in developing our unique technology
Professional Provident Society
Wimpy Mouton
Executive Committee
Toyota Financial Services
Johan Brink
Ronnie Watson
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It gives you rapid visibility into the future performance of your investments and starts a Growth Chain Reaction™ in your funds.
Our technology rapidly isolates companies' growth generating ability and connects the activity and performance of every person in a business directly to the growth of the business’s revenue and therefore the growth of your fund.
Yes, because the fundamental growth pillars: Growth Mindset; Growth Capability; Customer Expectations; and Future Revenue, are universal.
We adhere to strict confidentiality protocols to safeguard all client information.