Identify Growth Companies - early!
A company’s Growth Predictor Score measures the strength of its Growth Chain Reaction, from which its future revenue is predicted. It measures the interplay connecting:
Growth Mindset
A strong prevailing growth mindset in the leadership team and supporting teams; enables a cohesive commitment to the company's vision, its customers, its growth and financial success.
Ensuring growth generation
Growth Capability
A strong collective ability to: respond quickly to market changes; innovate effectively; and execute strategies that generate value.
Ensuring new revenue generation
Customer Expectations
High customer expectations that the company can adapt, innovate, and execute solutions that keep pace with their evolving needs.
Ensuring new revenue sustainability

A score of 8 out of 10:
Predicts a company with a Game-Changing opportunity. Meeting this very high standard indicates that the company has the growth credentials and potential to be a fund 'maker'.
A score of 7.5 out of 10:
Predicts a Growth Investment, indicating a strong potential for significant returns.
A score of 6.5 out of 10:
Predicts a business that is Ready to Scale, showing readiness for accelerated growth.